Perspective on Language and Literacy – Vocabulary Research Meets the Classroom
Vocabulary learning lies amidst the labours of decoding and the multi-layered processes of comprehension. This critical element in the development of literacy fills textbooks, research articles, and the agendas of many a schools professional development session. Knowledge regarding effective vocabulary instruction must be transferred from scientists through teachers to the millions of students sitting in classrooms. It is the objective of this journal to advance teacher knowledge about vocabulary, as well as serve as a call to action to apply what you learn to tomorrow’s vocabulary lesson.
This journal has several great articles focussing on various aspects of Vocabulary as listed below.
- Vocabulary Research Meets the Classroom
- Which Words Are Worth Teaching?
- Are You Lactating? On the Importance of Academic Language
- Preschool Vocabulary Learning and Instruction
- The Power of Content-Rich Vocabulary Instruction
- The Fundamentals of Academic Vocabulary: Essential Concepts for Middle School Students and Their Teachers
- Evidence-Based Vocabulary Instruction for English Learners
- “Reading with Your Ears†and Other Uses of Technology to Build Vocabulary
- Applying Imagery to Vocabulary Instruction
Adams, M. (Winter 2010-11). Advancing our students’ literacy and language. The challenge of complex texts. American Educator, 3-11, 53.
Beck, I. L., McKeown, M. G. & Kucan, L. (Spring 2003). Taking delight in words: Using oral language to build young children’s vocabularies. American Educator 27, 36-39, 41, 45-46
Ebbers, Susan Vocabulary blogpost provides a great summary of what robust vocabulary instruction might include
Neuman, S. & Wright, T. (Spring 2014). The magic of words. Teaching vocabulary in the early childhood classroom. American Educator, 5-13.