Oral Language and Communication Progressions – free resource

Are the children you work with ‘on the right track’ with their language and communication development?

Language and communication development progresses through the same stages. Some children progress faster; some slower and others struggle and need support. Importantly all children benefit from adult interaction in developing their language and communication.

Language and literacy are the vehicle for learning. They are critical to cognitive development and success in learning and life. Poor language places children’s success at risk.

Use this overview as a guide to language and communication development and what helps children learn how to listen, talk and communicate successfully. Identify strategies that support thinking, problem solving and reasoning. Use these to increase the effectiveness of everyday adult child interactions to support the development of:

  • attention, listening, understanding and verbal reasoning
  • vocabulary
  • speech sound
  • sentence building and grammar
  • story telling
  • conversations and social interaction.