Welcome to The Library. Here you will find Sound Beginnings resources that provide the ‘what’ and the ‘how.’ Our extensive range of oral language and literacy resources provide opportunities to listen, observe, participate, and interact. Learners, at every age, need daily opportunities to learn and practice any language for their literacy skills to flourish.
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Sound Beginnings Feature Series
language of learning
Ideas for activities at each level
Visit here to find a comprehensive list of activities that are designed to meet the…
Language of Learning Lap Cards
The Language for Learning lap cards can be used as a teaching support or as…
Language of Learning Poster
The Language for Learning poster can be used as a teaching support or as a…
The Language of Learning Framework shows how the understanding of abstract language develops for children. It supports the development of general language and vocabulary as well as skills in comprehension, reasoning, inferencing, predicting, and problem solving. The resources in this series support the Sound Beginnings Language of Learning framework and Assessment.
Sound Beginnings Feature Series
Sound bites
Play and Talk – free introduction
Play is multidimensional in the way it contributes to oral language. Oral language is one…
Sound bites
Sound Bites provide 15 – 20-minute bites of research informed professional learning. Tune into elements of…
Sound Bites provide 15 – 20-minute bites of research informed professional learning. Tune into elements of effective literacy instruction, strategies, and resources to help your learners succeed. Perfect with a cup of coffee or as a focus for team discussions.
Sound Beginnings Feature Series
shaping the world - e-write cards
These Read Aloud and Word Knowledge cards have been developed to support the Sound Beginnings Shaping the World series of books. They are also used in The Literacy Collective (TLC) eWrite program. The programme uses a combination of effective pedagogical approaches to teach beginner writers. The Gradual Release of Responsibility Model (I Do, We Do, You Do) allows teachers to model and guide the writing process so that students can achieve the expected learning outcomes.
TLC Writing lessons are structured in a way that places emphasis on the oral language process to generate a solid foundation before writing. Students are immersed in multi-sensory experiences and authentic lead up activities providing quality stimulus for writing.
Oral Language and Communication Progressions – free resource
Are the children you work with ‘on the right track’ with their language and communication…
Activity Cards – Turia Pitt
activity cards Download
Activity Cards – Evonne Goolagong
Activity Cards Download
Triangle Interviews
This template will help students create their own Word Charts when reading a new text.…
Identifying Unknown Words While Reading
This template will help students create their own Word Charts when reading a new text.…
Affix Organiser
This visual strategy teaches students about affixes. An affix is a grammatical element that is…
Let it rip pencil grip
This little ditty and poster will help both left and right-handed learners focus on their…
Read Aloud – Turia Pitt
read aloud & word knowledge cards Download
Read Aloud – Steve Irwin
read aloud & word knowledge cards Download
Read Aloud – Evonne Goolagong
read aloud & word knowledge cards Download
Active Listening
Did you know that most of the work of hearing is done, not by your…